Gunnar Jinmei Linder, 尺八(Shakuhachi) - Japanese bamboo flute



Updated on 2020-07-04 (土) 16:11:14 (Standard Japanese Time)

I have divided the link pages in four parts. The first three relate directly to shakuhachi: "People and National Organisations", "International Organisations and Resource Pages", and "Shops & Makers". The fourth category contains various links of interest. You can use the “list of contents” (もくじ) below, to navigate on this page.

Performers, Teachers, and Nat. Organisations


Michael Sōmei Coxall (UK)

Chikumeisha France Lesson Center"

Andreas Gutzwiller (Switzerland)

Jim Franklin (Germany)

Horacio Curti (Barcelona, Spain)

Vernonique Piron (France; Belgium)

Emmanuelle Rouaud (Paris, France)

Kiku Day (Denmark, UK)

Jean-François Lagrost (Paris, France)

Christophe Gaston (Paris, France)

Daniel Lifermann (Paris, France)

Vlastislav Matousek (Czech Republic)

Kees Kort (Holland)

Annelies Nederbragt (Holland; so far only in Dutch)



Riley Lee (Australia)

North America

Christopher Yohmei Blasdel (Japan, USA)

Peter Hill (USA, Japan)

Alcvin Ramos (British Columbia)

National Organisations

Chikumeisha in Europe (contact Gunnar Jinmei Linder, or Michael Coxall in the U.K.)

Chikumeisha France Lesson Center"

Australian Shakuhachi Society

Shakuhachi Summer Camp of the Rockies (David Wheeler

Internet Resouce Pages and International Organisations

The Euroepan Shakuhachi Society (ESS)

The International Shakuhachi Society

The Shakuhachi Mailing List Web Archive

The European Shakuhachi Forum
This is the new link to the European Shakuhachi Forum. Updated March 22, 2011.

The International Shakuhachi Forum

Only in Japanese

Chikumeisha (竹盟社) (The organisation of the late Yamaguchi Gorō)

Reibo-kai (鈴慕会) (The site of Aoki Reibo II and Aoki Shōji)

Kodō-kai (古童会) (The site of Chikuō II, previously Araki Kodō V)

Chikuyūsha (竹友社) (The organisation of Kawase Junsuke III)

Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan (国際尺八研修館) (The organisation of the late Yokoyama Katsuya)

Jiuta FAN 地唄FAN, Takatsuka-san has created a very useful website for gaikyoku/sankyoku pieces. Songtexts and info only in Japanese so far, but you can access recordings. The titles are in Japanese and transcription.

Komusō Kenkyū-kai (虚無僧研究会) (the site of the Komusō Research Association, located at the temple Hosshin-ji (法身寺) in Tokyo.

Hōgaku Journal (邦楽ジャーナル). One of two Japanese magazines for traditional Japanese music.

Hōgaku no Tomo (邦楽の友). The other magazine for traditional Japanese music.

Shops & Makers, etc.

Tai Hei Shakuhachi, the site of Monty Levenson, where you can find a variety of instruments, but also shakuhachi goods, recordings, and other material. Both for shopping and access to a vast array of information.

Atelier Chikudo, the site of Thomas Goulpeau.

Shakuhachi Atelier, the site of Thorsten Knaub.

Mejiro, maybe the most famous shakuhachi and shinobue shop. Located in central Tokyo (near Mejiro station). English-speaking staff, which makes both a visit and online shopping easy. They are also selling bamboo and tools for shakuhachi making.

Other links of interest

Other Japanese Music

Shiotaka Kazuyuki, biwa
~琵琶・作曲~ 塩高和之オフィシャルサイト -Office Orientaleyes- (only in Japanese)
Listen to a clip from the piece "Marobashi" composed by Shiotaka Kazuyuki, with Gunnar Jinmei Linder playing shakuhachi.


Official sites (authorities, organisations etc.)

The Japanese Embassy in Stockholm.

The Department of Oriental Languages at Stockholm University.

The Museum of Ethnography in Stockholm.

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm.

The Music and Theatre Museum in Stockholm.

The National Music Collections (only in Swedish).

Photo sites

Gaen (臥煙) Photo.
(Text only in Japanese, but nice photos to look at!)


Only in Japanese.
日本語で書かれるストックホルムでの日常生活のブログ、ストックホルムR⇔L です。

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