Gunnar Jinmei Linder, 尺八(Shakuhachi) - Japanese bamboo flute


About workshops

The typical workshop is a 2-day workshop conducted over a weekend, from morning to evening. The actual time depends on the venue, but a normal workshop will begin at 8:30 am, and finish at 6 or 7 pm.
A workshop will often cover two pieces, which are played phrase by phrase over and over again, with detailed instructions on how to play the various techniques. Either the two pieces are mixed during the two days, or there is one piece set for each day. The former pattern gives more of a mix, which means that it is normally more stimulating, but the latter pattern is better if there are participants who are not able to participate for the full two days.
Having attended one workshop does not necessarily mean that you know the piece or pieces covered fully, but it will have given you a very good basis for further practice. Finishing a workshop is not the end, but the beginning of something new!
For honkyoku workshops, my book with detailed explanations of totally ten Kinko-ryū honkyoku, may prove to be a good support both for preparing and repeating a workshop.

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